Hey everyone!  I have been MIA because life is hectic.

The new job (well not that new anymore, going on 5 months!) has really thrown our family for a loop.  I think the children.. well mostly my oldest who is almost 4, are having a hard time adjusting.  We’ve been dealing with more temper tantrums and refusing to get dressed/wear underwear/buckle her car seat/go to the bathroom/wash her hands… you get the picture.

Up until last week I had been keeping up with my 3-4 nights a week workouts.  My mother in law gave me a fit bit that she had gotten because she felt the technology was over head (I think she doesn’t give herself enough credit, but I’ll take it) so that’s been interesting to track my steps (I had been severely underestimating how much I walk at work) and monitor my sleep.

The reasons (cough, excuses) for not doing my workouts include:

-body has been hurting, especially my left knee and lower back/hips

-wanting/needing to see my child before she falls asleep

-more sleep

I talked to my chiropractor this week about diet and she is going to have some plans for me when I see her in 2 weeks.  She is also sending me for blood work to check things like my adrenals, thyroid, metabolic panel and complete blood count, among others.  We’ll see how it goes.





Once again, it’s been a few weeks since my last post.

Once again, it’s not because I fell off the wagon but because I’ve been driving that damn wagon!

I’ve been keeping busy with work, working out, and parenting.

I’ve still been getting to the gym at least 3 times a week.  There was a night last week where I was just so exhausted.  I ended up not going to bed any earlier than  usual but because I hadn’t worked out I fell to sleep faster and then I was able to sleep in because it was a Saturday so my husband got up with the kids.  The 1-2 extra hours of sleep did the trick.  Then tonight I was able to connect with some of my co workers from my previous job who I miss so much!

I haven’t changed my nutrition at all, in fact it may have gotten a little lax compared to previous weeks.  My chiropractor had suggested the ketogenic diet to me when I was pregnant with my last child so I may seek her assistance in getting started.  At the time I said something along the lines of, “I know what I have to do, I just have a hard time doing it.”  She was judgments free and suggested it might be easier to have someone setting it all up for me (she and her husband also do nutritional things out of their office).

I tried some new machines.  One night there was no one in the gym for once so I felt comfortable to hop on a couple things for a minute or two.  I like one of the elliptical type machines so I have been using that.  Some nights when I’m tired I only do 20 minutes but I always work up a sweat.  I like lifting better than cardio so I always make sure to do my arm routine.

I think I have noticed more definition in my arms, but I never took before pictures!

I’ve been wanting to add more yoga and stretching to the mix; I loved yoga from the first time I tried it.  This same line of videos on youtube has yoga one that I am hoping to try out in the next week.  Hopefully it doesn’t take me a month to update about it!


It’s been a month since I started going to the gym at the hospital after work.

I’ve gone 3-4 times a week.  The only times I haven’t gone were twice when I was sick (didn’t go in once and went home early once) and another time when I didn’t clock out until 10pm which is the usual time I’m leaving the gym!

Today I jogged for 6 minutes!  I was happy that I did it, but I did not jog/walk as long as I usually do.  It seems every week I cut down the time I’m on the treadmill for.

I think I may be bored with it,  I don’t necessarily dread it, but I don’t look forward to it.

I’m tempted to try another machine.  My other thought was dancing.

There is a room where they hold aerobic classes and it’s open at night for anyone to use.  I do go in there sometimes when all the men are using the free weight area since it’s pretty small.

I don’t know how to dance per say, but I figure if I jump and pretend I’m doing dance moves, it’s still body movement and cardio.  My worry is that if I shut the door to the room someone will still open it!


Those in the fitness and nutrition arena will be familiar with NSV.  I did not know until recently that it means Non Scale Victory.

Because I haven’t focused on nutrition I haven’t lost any weight.  Well, 2lbs.

However, there have been other advances.

Today I jogged for 4 minutes twice.  I’ve been semi-following a couch to 5k program I found on Pinterest where you alternate between walking and jogging.  I have been taking more days with each interval than it calls for but today I walked for 5 minutes, jogged for 4, walked for 5, jogged for 4, then walked for 5.  For me it’s a big deal.

I’ve been less winded at work when walking through the hallways and talking to patients.

My body doesn’t hate me as much–I’m able to move, bend, twist easier.

My shoulder that’s been hurting me since I painted three ceilings in my house when pregnant 2 years ago doesn’t hurt as much and has more range of motion.  In fact my entire body has more range of motion than in recent memory.

I feel like I am standing straighter, keeping my back straight (core strength or feeling good about myself?  Maybe both).

Weight is not the be all end all.  There are other ways you can mark your progress than numbers on the scale!



I’ve haven’t been diligent in writing again!  Thankfully it’s not because I fell of the workout wagon.  I’ve just been busy with work, working out, and trying to stay present with my children when I’m home with them.  I’ve also added meditation to my nightly roster, partially to help me wind down to get to sleep faster as I have been tossing and turning a lot when I finally get to bed.

Regardless of what my darling husband may think, I do listen to the things he has to say.  In this instance I’m not sure his advice works for me.  He suggested I focus on working out and not diet, or at least not both right away.  However, for me it’s always been the food.

While I am happy that I’ve committed to exercising, I am more concerned about my eating.  It’s really always been about the food for me.  In the past, I have been able to lose weight by diet only.

Simply, I love food.  I love to eat.  I like the crappy food.  I don’t like the way it makes me feel sometimes, but I do love to eat it.

My diet hasn’t been complete crap though.  Since I started this new job in January my I’ve been eating healthier than in recent memory.  Every day I work I have a salad.  Sometimes a healthy dressing, and sometimes blue cheese or ranch.  Salads are one of the only ways I get my veggies in.  I think I didn’t want to look like a complete hog in front of new people.

I have had trouble controlling my night eating when I get home.  On the drive home (35 minutes) I would eat an apple and 2 hard boiled eggs; then when I got home I would end up gorging a little.  So I’ve tried switching it up and waiting until I get home to have my eggs.  I’ve been somewhat successful but I have not committed to a strict nutrition plan.

I named this entry Nutrition because diet implies something that will come to an end.  I need to change up my nutritional patterns.  Eliminate the processed foods, severely limit my carbs.  Every day I wake up ready to commit, then by lunch I crumble.  One meal at a time I suppose.

Show up

After my fourth shift in a row, I still went to the gym after work.  It was almost 9 at night, and I’d been running my butt off to see all the patients I needed to.  But I had to show up.  I felt like I “phoned it in” while I was walking (and a brief attempt at jogging) but I showed up.  I walked for 30 minutes at a slower speed than I had previously and lifted free weights.  Yeah they are only 5lbs each, but I showed up.  I take victories where I can.  I could have easily driven home but I went, moved my body, and felt good that I did.



That was Sunday.

Tuesday I felt I did a great workout.  I did a 5 minute walk then 2 minute jog cycle for 30 minutes, then did the free weights.  I did try out the 8lb weights but ended up going back to the 5lb because I could do more reps.  I’ve read in the past that reps are more important than weight.  I did two sets of each type of lift at 10 reps each, so a total of 20.  I felt great about that work out.

Tonight, Thursday, I phoned it in again.  I only did two cycles of walk/jog then walked for about 15 minutes.  I did my usual lifts with the free weights, two sets each.  I didn’t feel the power like I had on Tuesday, but I showed.

Sometimes that’s all you can manage.

Show up.

hello beautiful

Well here I am after how long?? I can’t even.  Lots has changed since the last post but here I am again, hopeful to stay accountable to my few followers out there and maybe some new ones.  This time around I’m just doing the old fashioned thing of exercising watching my intake a little better.  I was inspired by finding this freaking fantastic woman on Instagram who I can’t even comprehend what she has accomplished in two years!  If you want to see/follow/be inspired by someone who never gave up and has transformed her life, check out Lexi at Fatgirlfedup on Instagram.  I wish I could attach a link, but at this time I cannot, I will figure it out soon!

So as to not make this post a zillion words long, here are some updates on what’s going on over here on my end.

-I have two daughters AB and EB 3.5 and 15mo respectively

-I just started a new job at a new hospital but it’s my dream job with some different  hours than I’ve been working the past 10 years!  I left overnights (7pm-7am) and now work evenings (today (2/16) is my first day off orientation, I’m working 11am-830p; I did days 7-430 for 6 weeks).

-I am the heaviest I’ve ever been, clocking in somewhere around 312lb

-at the new job there is a gym!  Open 24 hours.  2/16 was the first night I went after work.


this is my face finding out that there were way more people at the gym at 830 than I expected.  I didn’t feel comfortable messing around with the weight training machines in front of people so I did 30 minutes walking on the treadmill.  it’s something!


It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that I failed once again to stay on the “diet” wagon or uphold my “new lifestyle.”  To make matters worse, I’m pretty sure I’m back up to my original weight from when I started the PINK method last March; I refuse to weight myself right now.  Then the nail in the coffin was hammered in by my almost 4 year old nephew who said, “you’re fat.”  I was upset, but not at him.  As a four year old, he doesn’t have a filter; her reports what he sees: I’m fat.  My sister (one of his aunts) said “everyone is different” and I told him that it’s not a nice thing to say to someone.  He didn’t understand why I was upset, but knew that I was.  Later, he repeated the sentiment saying, “I won’t call you fat again,” and I told him, “that is a very good observation, but it’s not a nice thing to say to someone.”  He still didn’t understand because for a third (maybe even fourth time) this conversation took place:

K- Sara?

S-Yes K?

K-Everyone is different right?

S-yes, everyone is different

K-you’re fat and I’m not.


Or something to that affect.  This time I didn’t make a big deal about it, I just got my hug and kiss goodbye and left (we were already planning on leaving at that moment).

But I got to thinking about it; he’s not wrong, so why make him apologize?  He wasn’t using it in a mean way, he was just making an observation, as children do.  Telling him that it’s not a nice thing to say might lead him to use it later in life in a mean way.  Why make a negative connotation now early in his life with the word “fat?”  We, as adults, impart on those young minds that fat is bad.  And while health wise, fat isn’t the best, people can still lead happy, some-what healthy lives.  People who are large can still love their bodies, knowing how it works and what looks best on them.  It is our negativity that they pick up on.  I also got to thinking about how he knows that word.  I’m sure he’s heard his mother  say it in regards to herself (after baby, because she has never in her life been “fat” in the traditional sense) and maybe about others (me?).  That thought led to my decision to stop using the word.  At least in speech, obviously, as my blog has “fat” in the name (which I’ve tried thinking of a new name but I have come up empty).  I will try, for my children’s sake, to not use it in front of them.  If they never know the word then they can’t use it against others as a bad thing.  I’m sure once they enter school the game is over, but I can at least not use it at home.  Plus, it relates back to the law of attractions–think fat, you get fat.  So I need to work on thinking skinny, exercising and eating better.

Today I had egg whites with cheese wrapped in a tortilla for a makeshift breakfast burrito.  For lunch I had made a concoction from black beans, pinto beans, olive oil, salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, grape tomatoes, and fresh basil from my herb garden.  I put some of it over a bed of lettuce from our veggie garden.  I’ve got some chicken in the fridge marinating in olive oil, fresh basil and oregano, and some garlic for dinner and lunches for work this week, as well as some tri tip steak (with fresh sage and salt).  While these are recipes from a health book, I know that the ingredients are healthful and that’s all I’m going for at this point.  No program (yet) just trying to make better decisions.

The next time my nephew sees me, I don’t want him to make the same observation.