Show up

After my fourth shift in a row, I still went to the gym after work.  It was almost 9 at night, and I’d been running my butt off to see all the patients I needed to.  But I had to show up.  I felt like I “phoned it in” while I was walking (and a brief attempt at jogging) but I showed up.  I walked for 30 minutes at a slower speed than I had previously and lifted free weights.  Yeah they are only 5lbs each, but I showed up.  I take victories where I can.  I could have easily driven home but I went, moved my body, and felt good that I did.



That was Sunday.

Tuesday I felt I did a great workout.  I did a 5 minute walk then 2 minute jog cycle for 30 minutes, then did the free weights.  I did try out the 8lb weights but ended up going back to the 5lb because I could do more reps.  I’ve read in the past that reps are more important than weight.  I did two sets of each type of lift at 10 reps each, so a total of 20.  I felt great about that work out.

Tonight, Thursday, I phoned it in again.  I only did two cycles of walk/jog then walked for about 15 minutes.  I did my usual lifts with the free weights, two sets each.  I didn’t feel the power like I had on Tuesday, but I showed.

Sometimes that’s all you can manage.

Show up.

hello beautiful

Well here I am after how long?? I can’t even.  Lots has changed since the last post but here I am again, hopeful to stay accountable to my few followers out there and maybe some new ones.  This time around I’m just doing the old fashioned thing of exercising watching my intake a little better.  I was inspired by finding this freaking fantastic woman on Instagram who I can’t even comprehend what she has accomplished in two years!  If you want to see/follow/be inspired by someone who never gave up and has transformed her life, check out Lexi at Fatgirlfedup on Instagram.  I wish I could attach a link, but at this time I cannot, I will figure it out soon!

So as to not make this post a zillion words long, here are some updates on what’s going on over here on my end.

-I have two daughters AB and EB 3.5 and 15mo respectively

-I just started a new job at a new hospital but it’s my dream job with some different  hours than I’ve been working the past 10 years!  I left overnights (7pm-7am) and now work evenings (today (2/16) is my first day off orientation, I’m working 11am-830p; I did days 7-430 for 6 weeks).

-I am the heaviest I’ve ever been, clocking in somewhere around 312lb

-at the new job there is a gym!  Open 24 hours.  2/16 was the first night I went after work.


this is my face finding out that there were way more people at the gym at 830 than I expected.  I didn’t feel comfortable messing around with the weight training machines in front of people so I did 30 minutes walking on the treadmill.  it’s something!