I’m still here!

I apologize to you, my avid readers, that I have been MIA for so long. 

I think about the blog at least once a day and think, “I really should get on there,”  if not to at least let you all know that I have not died, and I have not gained fifty pounds. 

Like I said in my last couple of entries, I’ve stayed stable eating pretty well but with daily indulgences included.

I’ve been pretty good about avoiding the work cupcakes though, as they are chocolate these days and I’m not a fan of chocolate cake (surprising for a fat girl right?!  I prefer vanilla).

On Monday September, 17th I restarted the P.I.N.K. program.  Yup, I’m working on two weeks of reset.  So psyched.  (Since this is the internet and I’m sick right now and it’s the middle of the night, you may not have noticed my sarcasm).  I did pretty well, except Wednesday I had two pieces of white bread, and indulged in some extra protein because I was awake for more hours than a normal person usually is (overnight shifts you know).  Oh yeah, there was also a get together at my house on Friday for which I baked an apple pie and you bet your ass I had some!  I also had non parelles and cottage pie.  I’m down another couple of pounds , as reset is pretty much fasting.  I do plan on do another week of reset before beginning phase one again. 

Moral of today’s post :  I took a hiatus but I’m back at it.  You can’t get rid of me that easily!

I plan on being back soon with posts about phase 1 and fall time favorites!

Thanks for hanging in there.

My workout clothes are clean

But that’s not a good thing.

My workout equipment has dust on it.

It’s been a month since I’ve worked out or followed the diet program.  Once again, my weight has stayed pretty steady through a mix of being busy, eating well at work (for the most part) and having a protein shake most times for breakfast.  I almost think that’s the problem though — if I started gaining weight back, I might be more inclined to get back on the wagon.  On the flip side, if I start gaining the weight back, I might get more discouraged and abandon any good habits I may have retained.

I did my spiritual work last Friday and for a minute I thought it worked.  I think it did really but you only get help if you help yourself first and I haven’t really done much to help myself.  My frame of mind still has not locked back on to the ultimate goal – fitting into nice clothes, for one (like the clothing by these goddesses :  http://stores.ebay.com/sistersoftheblackmoon)

So here I am at a standstill.  Any suggestions?

short update

I’m sorry to anyone who follows that I haven’t written in a long time (a week? Feels longer). I have been a very bad girl. Most days I indulge once, if not twice. I plan on doing 4 days of reset and then picking back up at week 2 of phase 3. It’s been debauchery all around this week! No exercise, bad food, laziness, business at work. I need to reset and refocus my mind and body.
Upcoming posts: the specifics on my debauchery and The Secret.

Unrelated to weight loss, but please read!

My mom entered a contest to win a new sewing machine.  She has entered this project to win.  She made my sister’s wedding dress and outfits for my nieces and nephew.  She’s a phenomenal woman who has struggled most her life.  She would love to win, and I think she deserves it!  Please vote by clicking on the link.  Then, you can click on the little heart at the top right of the picture.  You can sign in using craftsy or facebook, but then you’ll have to go back in to vote by clicking on the heart again.  Thanks so much for your help!
by covergirl

Holy Crap

So just a quick tidbit because I must go to bed, it’s really late (in my time, which is 10 am, so for you normal people, think of it as 10pm after working 7a-730p, getting home at 8p and doing an hour workout, shower and making/drinking your pink shake).  This morning I did the phase 2 upper body and then phase 2 kardio and I noticed a BIG difference in the ability I had doing the upper body portion.  I didn’t tire as quickly (usually in the warm up I have to stop for a second because my arms already burn so badly).  I was able to do more reps as well.  The kardio segment is still really hard for me to do and lately my knees have been soooooo tight when I lunge or squat or just try to sit down.  My point of this post is to say… holy crap, it actually does get a little easier.  I didn’t think that was possible.  I have one week of phase 2 left, so I am even more frightened for phase 3 kardio!  aaahhhh!

Back on track

I realize I have taken a bit of a departure from fat girl news.  Over the weekend work was slow so I was able to get some work done there.  The past couple of days have been busier and now I’m getting ready to go on a mini vacation with some girlfriends so I don’t have much time to get all the ideas all down but don’t fear!  Here are some concepts for upcoming posts you can look forward to:




-giving you TMI

I probably won’t have a full entry until late next week!  I will still be able to check messages/comments/emails.

Quick Message!

I’m just popping int to say that I have at least 4 ideas for posts brewing but no time to really get it down. I’ve been going to bed late the past couple of mornings so I’m sooooo tired. I will hopefully get at least one in overnight while at work tonight, or in the AM, bear with me. Time for bed!

I may not be a dog lover, but we all need to be aware of this. So sorry for your loss.

Justice for Jack

One of our beloved dogs, Jack, a 6-year-old, chow-lab mix, died yesterday. His death was very unexpected and traumatic. Although, our dogs did not receive the same amount of attention as they did before Bobby was born, they were still loved dearly. Bob walked them religiously every single day. Jack loved, loved, loved, playing fetch. Tennis balls were his favorite. When we discovered that he had died, we began questioning what happened to our sweet Jack.

On Monday, May 7, 2012, we took both of our dogs to our vet for their annual check ups. It was a very routine visit. They were both checked for heartworms and parasites, weighed, and listened to. They were deemed normal and healthy. They both received their rabies vaccinations, and a new drug (via injection) that was recommend by our vet, ProHeart 6. Our vet simply said, “Hey, we have this new shot that…

View original post 2,381 more words


Boredom often gets the best of me.  Eating is my go to hobby when I’m bored.  That and TV watching which go hand in hand.  Since I can remember TV and food have been my steadfast friends.  Always waiting for me when I got home from school or late night weekends when I had nothing to do because I didn’t really have any people friends.  Even with three sisters and a mother (and father until…?) living in the same house, I was usually alone; they all had social lives, I did not.  Those habits are hard to break.  You can’t teach an old dog new tricks right?!  I have been trying really hard to not eat when bored or eat and to cut down on TV watching (so hard when there are so many good shows on!)  I’ve only been successful … maybe 50% of the time.  I am a chronic over estimator of my own capabilities, so it may be quite less than that. eh.  I was not successful tonight.  Couscous was my food of choice, of course after a half bag of chocolate covered pretzels.  Oh yeah, about that chocolate.  I came clean with my husband, told him I opened it and that he must take it away.  He said he would take it to his work but I don’t think they deserve it.  haha.  (They don’t always treat him well, and I don’t appreciate that.  He works hard for the money so you better treat him right).  I told him I’d prefer if he kept it hidden so he can give it to me piecemeal when I’ve been a good girl.  We’ll see.

Back to boredom.  In the PINK method book, phase one, day 8 (I think) Cynthia asks:  what are 25 things you can do other than eat.  Here is what I’ve come up with so far:

1 read

2 scrapbook

3 walk/exercise

4 clean

5 needlepoint

6 sew  (teach myself how, and then do)

7 play with keyboard (which I got my husband as a gift but he hasn’t touched)

8 write (hello BLOG!)

9 play on internet (but lately this makes me bored too..)

10 TV (which we already established might be a bad idea)

11 The Sims (computer game)

12 play the Wii (that I’ve only used a handful of times, sorry husband)

13 garden (won’t work well in the winter unless I set up a green house of sorts on my porch)

14 photography (my gift to myself for losing 100lbs will be a new camera, a good one, until then I have to use my shitty one.  I promised myself)

15 color (yes, in a coloring book.  Barbie preferably but my strawberry shortcake one will do for now)

16 find new music/listen to music

Any other suggestions?  This was all I could come up with.