End of week 1 in phase 2

Dear Body,

I have hated you for a very long time.  In fact, how much I loathe you is one of my most prominent memories.  But lately I’ve noticed a change in you; for the better.  Specifically, your arms are looking fantastic.   Yes, there is still some work to be done, but I’ve never seen the muscles so defined.  Ever.  I’ve also noticed that you can move in ways you haven’t before, and your flexibility has really improved.  Your knees seem a little tight when you bend over though, you should really have that looked at.  I’ve come to realize that hating you is pointless, seeing how I will never be rid of you.   We really should be friends.  What’s more, you actually are the most important thing in my life, so I really ought to treat you better.  You deserve it.  You may have some doubts about that; let me reassure you.  I’ll give you a few reasons you should be cherished and appreciated.  First, you are my vehicle.  You carry my essence, my soul, if you will.  If not for you, I would be just a light breeze across someone’s cheek.  You need to be healthy for me to be healthy (selfish, I know).  Second, you’ve been taking a beating for some time now.  The weight has piled on over the years, burdening your poor joints, feet, organs, etc.  You deserve a break if only to not be so rough on yourself.  Since you have worked in industries where you are always on your feet, you deserve a break!  Perhaps the most important reason I can think of is that some day you will carry my children.  They will be precious cargo and you’ll need to be in tip top shape to do that job.  Keep up the good work!  I know some times you want to give up because you get so tired during the workouts, that you some times do the last 30 minutes half assed, but it’s better than nothing, right?  You try your best and I see that now.  I will try not to beat you up about it anymore.  We will work together to get healthy and look the most fantastic you ever have in your life!

Here’s to hoping for many years of friendship!



P.S.  I know Cynthia Pasquella made me write this letter, as it is a reflection exercise in the PINK Method book at the end of week one in phase 2, but us being friends is long over due.

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