It’s Friday and…

Once again I’ve failed to stay on reset for the full two weeks.  After my get together on Friday night I kinda went off track.  I thought I’d get back on after the weekend but I was tempted at work.

I had decided that I’d stick to it on Tuesday only to come into work where there was the best chocolate cake EVER.  It was our manager’s birthday and someone had bought a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting from Wegmans.  If you’ve never been to or heard of Wegmans, it’s a grocery store that originated in my hometown of Canandaigua, NY and has reached as far east as Massachusetts and into the south (I think Virginia, but most definitely Maryland).  Some people in this area are obsessed with going there; it is quite the experience depending on which location you visit.  Personally I never got into the hype of it, but they do have the best cake.  Hands down.

It wasn’t necessarily the cake that was the problem.  That night I realized something had changed with my attitude.  Back when I was completely committed to this lifestyle if I had a slip up, like chocolate cake, I would accept it and move on.  I’d have the one serving but the next thing that passed my lips would be diet friendly.  But Tuesday night I had a different take on things:  I thought, what the hell, I already derailed myself, lets have some bread too.  Two pieces.  With butter.  And these yummy Chinese noodle things.  A lot of them.

I’m not sure what happened to me.  Maybe mercury being in retrograde all summer was a good thing for me.

All kidding aside, I haven’t been able to recapture my vigor for weight loss.  Maybe the tremendous success I had was enough?  (even though it’s really not).  Maybe once I start the exercise again I will get back to loving the P.I.N.K. Method as I once did, though I’m still not happy about the phase 2 exercises being in phase 3.  Once I get past this next week of reset, let the games begin!

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