It’s not a new idea

I still haven’t come up with the perfect way to define what it is I’m trying to convey.  I just need to share.  Once you discover this way of life, this way of thinking, all you want to do is tell everyone you know.  You want everyone to share in the joy you have found.  In the power you have found.  Therein lies the ultimate benefit — the power.  The power to control your own life.  Your own thoughts.  The power does not lie outside yourself it lies within, which is something I always thought but had trouble putting into practice.

I think I had touched on it briefly a few months ago when I was doing really well with the program and my husband was applying the techniques to his own thoughts.  Then, like I said, for what ever reason we both fell off track, letting the negative and bad thoughts rein for a few months.  I had a few posts about how positive I felt and how well I felt in all aspects of life.  I realized the power then, but I had gotten the information second hand (from the hubs) and not from my own readings or ponderings.

The Secret, the Law of Attractions, has been around for centuries.  It’s not a new concept.  Plato, Shakespeare, Einstein, Buddha — they all knew the power of our thoughts.  They knew, that as animals with the ability of higher level, conscious thought, we had the power to attract unto ourselves anything we desire–anything we think.  “All we are is a result of what we have thought” – Buddha.  I’ve had a magnent for YEARS that says this.  When I was a teenager, oh 11 or so years ago, I worked at Spencer Gifts, a novelty shop that sold an assortment of things that one never really needs, but are funny or interesting or cool.  I obtained this magnet from that store because I liked what it said without ever really understanding it.  Tonight, when I came to work and read my magnet, as I do every night when I come to work; I couldn’t believe I hadn’t realized it before.  That it is the secret!  I knew it all along, but just never fully grasped it.

Everything has been clicking.  Everything has been falling in to place.  Every new piece of information I pick up relates to an original thought: I want to learn more about this.  I want to be healthy.  I want to be happy.

So things keep coming up.  First, I order the new cook book from Cynthia Pasquella the creator of P.I.N.K. Method called the Hungry Hottie.  As I’m reading, she mentions the book The China Study (why other countries are healthier; ie plant based nutrition).  She also endorses herself as a Transformational Nutritionist, something she has created.  She talks of science and how food and people emit frequencies — fresh, plant-based, unprocessed foods emit a higher frequency.

Next, we venture out to Buffalo to visit my father in law and his girlfriend for our exchange of gifts.  My father in law has a lot of books that my husband raided the last time he went over to visit [without me].  This time, my husband involved me in his raid and guess what I found?  The China Study.  I also found another book I have wanted to read since it first came out: The Natural Cures “They” don’t want you to know about by Kevin Trudeau.  I’m only a few chapters in and it’s eye opening (and some stuff I already knew, but not to that extent).  Those are the only two books I borrowed.  On the other hand, my husband took a tall stack, including The Secret (book on CD), and another Law of Attraction CD compilation by a husband-wife duo who claim to be in touch with sentient higher beings.

I think that’s where I will leave you at today folks.  Tune in next time to find out more about the sentient higher beings!  Now, you may be thinking, “WTF?  I thought this was a blog about weight loss?”  Well, it is.  It will all relate.  Mostly because I want it to relate, but also because I’ve come to realize that in order to really get at the heart of weight loss there has to be spiritual work in addition to the physical.  I’ve read it before and thought it was a bunch of hooey, but now as I live it, I know it to be true for me, it can be for you too.


–I wrote this entry Saturday overnight shift at work.  I’m editing Monday morning and posting.  I want to clarify that I’ve read up on this Keven Trudeau character and I realize that he too “is all about the money” just like he claims everyone else is in his book.  His book is very repetitive (and I’m only on chapter three) and the reviews I’ve read about it say he doesn’t actually GIVE you the cures in the book.  However, you can find natural cures or natural remedies all over in books and online resources.  It’s all about the plants and herbs people!  I do still recommend looking into his claims of the FDA and FTC being in the pocket of pharmaceutical companies.  Just sayin’.

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